Thursday, October 2, 2008

Practicing Resurrection

What a scary time! I'm hearing so many stories from people of all ages about how their assumptions about the economy that undergirds our lives are changing faster than you can shake a stick. Vanishing nest eggs, less money to start a business or buy a house or pay employees, declining value of our home equity --- it's all so scary! But I know that the more I let fear control my decisions, especially about money, the more likely I am to do the wrong thing. So each day I rely on a kind of basic Ignatian exercise to quell my fear and remind me about who is really in charge of this world. I give thanks for the gifts God has given me; I own up to my gut feeling of being at sea; I pray for guidance and trust in the one reliable Source of creation; and I remember how Jesus lived through terrible times and defeated death, leaving the tomb empty. Then I remember the resurrection moments I have experienced in the darkest times of loss, and, as the poet Wendell Berry suggests, I seek to "practice resurrection." How else will the dawn come and our tomb of fears, regrets, and resentments be found empty?

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