Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gardening and Moving

Lots is happening in my life, especially as I contemplate God's mercy and generosity. Soon R. and I shall move from a home that has given us true sanctuary through its quietness and the beauty of its interior aesthetic details and the courtyard garden we created. This spring perennial garden is almost past its prime, though a few coral bells and fragrant confederate jasmine still bloom. Soon the deep blue of the plumbago will appear, along with the fiery pink of the graceful crepe myrtle that shades the patio. With so much rain the garden greenery is growing by leaps and bounds. After years of drought, each plant seems stunned into delight to experience this watery abundance that no irrigation system, no matter how much moisture it puts out, can replicate in the same way those dark clouds do. Today in church we sang "There's a wideness in God's mercy", and I felt like weeping. I am so grateful for that wide mercy as my usual irritability during transitions kicks in. I pray I can spare some mercy for the poor souls who have to endure me as change occurs.

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